Why is Brand Recognition So Important?

Posted on: Tuesday, Nov 05

brand awareness matters



Consumers must know you exist and you can be trusted. But, where does trust begin? Why does it matter? Brand Recognition begins with Brand Awareness.

Marketing and ad strategies work together to inform the greatest number of consumers about the story of your product. The story of your product begins when you form a plan to entice new business to your website or store. These consumers want to form a sense of trust with you and that trust can be very difficult to obtain.

As the weeks progress, I’ll update this blog with strategies to earn this trust. Today, we shall go over the bullet points with a few strategies to begin developing your brand.

  • Image

Image is more than your corporate logo. You will want to focus on everything from your letterhead, business cards, website and packaging. The modern business owner does not want to appear to be too busy or too lean. Content drives the internet, but you also have to keep it attractive and relevant to your consumers.

Today’s assignment: Grab a relative or trusted friend and have them browse your website. Jot down their honest criticism about things such as load times, cosmetic appearance and the quality of your content.

  • Tagline

Catchy and concise is here. We are now four generations into the Television Age and the quick clips of commercial exposure have taught us one thing about brand recognition. If you can hum or remember a tagline, you’ve got a sale. Think about the first time you gave a successful elevator pitch…what made it work?

Today’s assignment:

Define your business in less than 25 words. Create a mantra that you can share with your employees and customers.

  • Message

Declare your intentions with a noble mission statement. Do you sell tires? Well, let your customers know that these tires are working to help define their American dream.

Today’s assignment:

What is your mission statement? Do you have one? If you were starting all over again today, what would be the goal that drives you to success?

  • Networking

This is the newest area to the long-standing battle for brand recognition and awareness. As your customers become more reliant on technology and word-of-mouth, the modern business owner must intercept and be present on these emerging networks. What does your Yelp profile look like? Do you even have one? The same goes for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.

Be there now and be there first!

Today’s assignment:

Connect with three customers on the social media platform of your choice. Chat with them and discuss your product just like what you would do in real life. Begin to learn that there is no difference between the virtual and brick & mortar showroom.

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